The topic of child abuse and neglect are sensitive subjects that are never taken lightly. Making an accusation of abuse on a parent when it is not true may reflect poorly on the parent that made the claim. This is not to say if you or another adult sees a sign or...

Ethical, Thoughtful And
Compassionate Guidance
Attorney Randy Mora
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Should I divorce the family home too?
One of the biggest financial decisions in a divorce is- who is going to keep the house? For some, it was already decided at the time of separation, others need further reflection to consider the financial responsibility on the family home. There is also the option for...
A Divorce with Fur Babies
Sometimes the family pet is more than just the family pet. The fur babies are like children to you and your spouse (and) child(ren), but the court does not see it that way. Unfortunately, in the state of Texas, our well-loved pet(s) are seen as property in the...