Ending an unfulfilling marriage can be a freeing feeling, but it can also be a stressful experience. After all, it is not easy untangling two financially and emotionally intertwined lives. A couple of options exist for tackling the divorce process in Texas, including...

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Month: December 2017
Divorce may cause credit score to drop in multiple ways
Dealing with the emotions of a marital split-up can understandably be challenging, but so can dealing with the financial aspect of it. The divorce process can have an impact not only on a Texas resident's net worth but also on his or her credit score. Here are a...
Refinancing offers benefits after divorce
For many married couples, the marital home is their biggest asset. Thus, not paying sufficient attention to this asset during a divorce proceeding can be a major mistake. Refinancing following divorce in Texas may be beneficial for a couple of reasons. First,...
Divorce has impact on retirement planning
The process of getting divorced in Texas can be difficult for both emotional and financial reasons. The financial side of divorce may especially be intimidating for those who are about to enter their retirement years. However, some tips may help them to protect their...