Attorney Randy Mora

Ethical, Thoughtful And
Compassionate Guidance

Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested Divorce

Family Law

Family Law



Divorce & Property Division

Divorce & Property Division

Personal Injury

Personal Injury

We Find Solutions To Tough Cases

Dividing assets during divorce often becomes complicated in proportion to the value of the property in question. If your estate has high net worth, you will want a lawyer who is up to the task of dividing property in complex situations.

At Law Office of Randy Mora, PLLC, we tackle these cases head-on. We never shy away from a case because of contention or complexity. If negotiation is possible, we will negotiate. If a court battle is necessary, we will litigate. What matters is the outcome you are seeking.

Should You Mediate Or Litigate A Complex Divorce?

Even in high net worth cases, you have the option to agree upon your terms outside of court. An agreed divorce is a preferable option that saves you time and money, as long as your spouse is willing to negotiate. We can help you come to a fair agreement despite the many assets and belongings in question.

In some complex divorces, litigation becomes preferable due to the sheer size of the estate value and the contention that can come with such discussions. Our professional team at the Law Office of Randy Mora, PLLC, is highly respected throughout Texas for family law services. We will uphold your rights throughout your divorce.

Choose A Team That Values You

Not all firms can connect clients directly with their attorney, and some firms fail to see the value in attorney-client relationships. The reason we have been able to resolve cases favorably for so many families is that we do see this value. We offer one-on-one meetings so attorney Randy Mora can get to know his clients as he walks them through their complex divorce.

Call 210-446-0306 or email us to set up a consultation. We have office in San Antonio.