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A Divorce with Fur Babies

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Divorce, Property Division |

Sometimes the family pet is more than just the family pet. The fur babies are like children to you and your spouse (and) child(ren), but the court does not see it that way.

Unfortunately, in the state of Texas, our well-loved pet(s) are seen as property in the marriage. With traditional property or assets such as a car, it is easier to calculate the value of the asset. Just like a baby, you and your spouse cannot put a price on family. Emotionally, your family pet holds enormous value in your life.

Depending on what you and your soon to be ex-spouse can agree to, the family’s fur baby can be picked up and dropped off on the same schedule as the child(ren). There is no cookie cutter fit for how people should divide or give up their family pets. Ultimately coming to an agreement with the opposing party may not be easy but having an attorney to help you through the process and see the tradeoffs you may have is important.

Here is a great resource for more information.

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