Divorce can be a tumultuous journey, especially when children are involved. Thankfully, a mediated divorce can serve as a beacon of hope, providing a structured and considerate approach to the dissolution of a marriage. Exploring the significance of a mediated divorce...

Ethical, Thoughtful And
Compassionate Guidance
Month: November 2023
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Is a rotating week custody schedule possible? Is it wise?
Like most parents, a top concern in your divorce is probably ensuring it has the least possible negative impact on your kids. Your child possession order and parenting time schedule are your best tools to minimize the effects of divorce on your children. You have many...
5 common reasons to request a child support modification
If you had quality legal divorce representation, your child support order should have fit the needs of your children and been practical and acceptable to both you and your ex. But since then, things have changed. Your kids are older now and have developed their own...