Often, people handle divorces by fighting it out in court, which can make things worse by causing more arguments and stress. Mediation can provide a friendlier option that helps both sides agree and move on with their lives in a positive way. What should you know?...
Ethical, Thoughtful And
Compassionate Guidance
How can mediating custody benefit your children?
Children rely on their parents for so much until they turn 18 and become legally responsible for themselves. The divorce of their parents can leave kids wondering if they can still rely on the same support as before. Kids may have the notion that they somehow caused...
How to approach child custody discussions in mediation
One of the main benefits of going through mediation is the ability to avoid the bitterness of a contested divorce. That does not mean these discussions always go smoothly. Certain topics can be extremely emotional, potentially leading to heated disagreements. One of...
How to get a spouse on board with mediation
Without question, divorce is a difficult event for any person to experience. However, there are ways to make divorce easier and less stressful for all parties. More and more couples in Texas these days are choosing mediation instead of lengthy divorce...
Is divorce mediation just for couples who still get along well?
One out-of-court option for couples when it comes to tackling divorce issues is mediation. In divorce mediation, a couple meets with a neutral mediator and discusses divorce issues with the aim of trying to reach agreements on these issues. As a note, the mediator is...