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How summer can complicate divorce

On Behalf of | May 3, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce happens all year around, but summer in particular can create some complications. For one thing, divorce rates tend to spike in March and August, so those rates often drop in the summer. Divorce still happens, of course, but couples are less likely to split up during summer.

There are numerous reasons for this. Here is what you should know:

Children in and out of school

Many parents think that summer vacation could fix their marriage, while others just want to put off divorce until they have more free time and the children are out of the house and attending classes all day. Since summer can lower divorce rates, this sometimes makes it more complicated for couples to move forward with the divorce process.

Child custody schedules

The second area that can be complicated is determining how custody of the children should be split up. There are couples who already got divorced during the school year, so their custody schedule is probably based around the children’s school schedule and their own work schedules. But this changes in the summer, and the schedule may need to be adjusted or modified.

Additionally, couples who are getting a divorce in the summer may have to immediately address this brand new schedule. This can be very problematic, especially if one spouse previously stayed home to take care of the children and now has to get a job because they have lost their source of income. Figuring out how to divide custody of the children can be very complex at this time.

Your legal options

Are you considering a divorce this year? It’s good to be aware of some of the complications so that you can look into all of your legal options.

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