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Is a rotating week custody schedule possible? Is it wise?

On Behalf of | Nov 6, 2023 | Child Custody |

Like most parents, a top concern in your divorce is probably ensuring it has the least possible negative impact on your kids. Your child possession order and parenting time schedule are your best tools to minimize the effects of divorce on your children.

You have many scheduling options under Texas law, including the alternating or rotating weeks plan if that is in your kids’ best interests. For those who believe in equal parenting, this schedule could be an ideal option as long as it serves your children as well as it may serve you.

What are the possible benefits for kids?

As you may understand, most children thrive on routine and stability. Spending an entire week with each parent consecutively can provide the consistency they need, which could improve their grades, sleep and overall well-being.

Other possible advantages for children include:

  • Helps to preserve their bonds with both parents
  • Promotes security and good mental health
  • May reduce separation anxiety for some

For parents, a rotating weekly schedule is the epitome of fairness and may eliminate potential disagreements over unfair parenting time.

Are there any downsides to consider?

Of course, even the best-laid plans don’t always work out like we intended. Some children may need contact with the other parent during the week to feel secure and connected.

Plans with more than a day or two of parental separation may also be inappropriate for children who are still building bonds with those close to them. Very young kids benefit greatly from frequent contact with both parents.

It is wonderful to care about fairness when working on your child custody arrangements. Just be sure your attempt to create an equal parenting schedule does more good than harm for your kids. Legal guidance can help you explore your conservatorship and parenting time options.

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