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How can having money lead to divorce?

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2023 | Divorce |

People divorce for many reasons. Some people divorce because of communication difficulties or infidelity. Others may divorce because of conflicting parenting styles.

One common cause of divorce is money related. For example, someone who’s unemployed and not looking to work may put pressure on a relationship. Someone who creates a lot of debt may find their spouse unhappy with the decisions.

While the lack of money can create issues for married couples, wealth can too. Here’s how that might happen:

Unequal salaries

One spouse may become jealous of the other if they find they each have different incomes. This jealousy may cause a spouse to ask the other to make financial sacrifices, such as paying more of the bills. The spouse earning a higher income may not be agreeable to this.

Some married couples have a dynamic that involves one spouse working and the other caring for the home and children. The spouse who financially supports the household may also use the money to manipulate the other.

Receiving a large inheritance

Suddenly coming upon a large sum of money can change the dynamic in a relationship. One spouse may feel they have a right to part of the inheritance that the other received. That can lead to discord.

Owning a business

Many married people have successful businesses. A spouse of a successful business owner may feel they have a right to the earnings. The business owner may not agree.

Irresponsible spending

Some people are more comfortable spending than saving. When money is used from joint savings, then there may be conflicts.

A high-asset divorce can lead to a lot of issues. If you are getting a divorce, it’s important to protect your rights and have sound legal guidance.

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