When a couple gets married in Texas, the prospect of getting divorced is often far from their minds. However, it can become a reality in many couples’ cases if they end up being unable to reconcile their differences. Although many spouses getting divorced initially focus on bracing for the divorce emotionally, bracing for it financially is critical, too.
After deciding to get divorced, a couple may agree to try to negotiate a divorce settlement. With negotiation, both sides are willing to give some things up to get other things they really want. For instance, perhaps keeping the family home is more desirable to one party, whereas keeping another high-value asset in the marriage is more critical for the other party.
The first step of the negotiation process is for one to identify those particular wins that seem most important personally and then concentrate on securing them. A mistake that some couples make is that they end up fighting for items they do not even want. Doing this will only cause further emotional grief and end up being costly due to dragging out the divorce proceeding.
Divorce can be tough in even the most amicable of situations. If two spouses find they are unable to complete negotiations successfully, they will have to go to trial to address their issues. In this situation, a judge will have to decide how matters such as the distribution of assets will be handled. An attorney in Texas can provide guidance both at the negotiation table and in court to ensure that one’s rights are protected at each stage of this type of family law proceeding.
Source: seekingalpha.com, “Financial Tips For Women Getting Divorced“, Russ Thornton, June 12, 2017