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3 ways wealth can increase the prospect of divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 2, 2025 | Divorce |

While money problems can certainly make divorce more likely for less well-off couples, being wealthy has its own issues and some reports suggest significant wealth makes divorce more likely. 

Here are some of the reasons why this may be:

1. Financial inequality

Some wealthy couples both earn well, but often, one earns so well that the other does not need to work. While they may do more than their fair share in other ways, such as assuming the bulk of raising the children and running the household, the financial inequality between spouses can cause problems. The working spouse may feel the stay-at-home one is always spending ‘their’ money, and the stay-at-home spouse may feel the working one does not value their efforts around the home.

2. A lack of contact time

While some people inherit their wealth, many work long hours in high-stress jobs to get it. They may spend so much time and mental energy on work that they have little left for their spouse, or at least that is how their spouse may see it.

If one spouse is always traveling for work, or always working late, the couple can drift apart and feel lonely and one or both might seek comfort elsewhere. Even if they don’t, the other party may suspect they are which can lead to jealousy and a breakdown in trust.

3. High income often equals high outgoings

Just because a couple earns a lot does not mean they can easily pay the bills. Many get used to spending more as they earn more and bigger houses and more expensive clothes and cars can lead to debt which strains the relationship.

Whatever your income, divorce requires legal guidance to navigate the challenges that lie ahead and protect your interests.

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