Ending a marriage is a major undertaking, but it becomes much more challenging if one party is a narcissist. The very nature of a narcissist means that they can only think of themselves and will do whatever it takes to twist the truth to make others believe their own perception of reality.
Those qualities of a narcissist can make it much more difficult to work out the terms of the divorce. This is because they will try to make everything go their way while trying to make you as miserable as possible. Considering these tips may help you throughout the divorce process.
1. Protect your emotions
One of the tactics of a narcissist is to invoke emotional reactions from others. This helps them to feel as though they’re in control of the situation, which fuels them. In order to minimize the chance of this occurring, you must ensure that you protect your emotions. Employing the grey rock method, which involves not giving any reaction to the narcissist, may be beneficial in these cases.
2. Keep proof of everything
Because narcissists try to twist reality, it’s best to keep proof of everything related to the divorce. This includes copies of correspondence and receipts for any expenses. Having proof might be the most effective way to handle baseless claims from the narcissist.
A narcissist may try to introduce conflict into the divorce so they can string the process along. It may behoove you to work with someone who’s familiar with handling a narcissist during divorce so they can try to minimize the effects of the narcissist’s actions.