Parents separate for a number of reasons, but one of the biggest concerns post-separation can be the custody arrangements of the children. Child custody laws in Texas were put in place to serve the needs of both parents and children. A new trend that is taking shape in the United States involves shared parenting agreements, with more and more states passing legislation to facilitate co-parenting arrangements. The following tips may be helpful for parents taking part in co-parenting.
It’s no secret that a separation or divorce can be a very emotional time, but newly single parents should never let anger or resentment influence their behavior. It is key to set a good example and show children how to act respectfully. Although situations can vary, always keep the best interest of the children in mind.
Probably the most crucial aspect of shared parenting is communication. Approaching the situation with the other parent like a business agreement can be very helpful. Work as a team to make decisions in a respectful and professional manner while removing any negative emotions that may be present. This is for the sake of the children, so working together can give them a sense of unity instead of division.
Although the several types of custody arrangements exist, shared parenting or co-parenting is one type that is becoming more popular across the country. Those in Texas who have questions regarding child custody and custody laws could benefit from discussions with a legal representative. A skilled and knowledgeable attorney can help individuals determine the best arrangements for both children and parents.
Source:, “Youth Alternatives: Making co-parenting work“, Kayla Dixon, April 26, 2018