Attorney Randy Mora

Ethical, Thoughtful And
Compassionate Guidance

Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested Divorce

Family Law

Family Law



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Divorce & Property Division

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Personal Injury

Compassionate Guidance While Ending A Marriage

Ending a marriage can present the spouses an opportunity for a new chapter worth looking forward to in their lives. While divorce is the most common method of ending a marriage, it is not the only one. An annulment can offer a married couple the option of making a marriage as if it never happened instead of going through the complicated divorce process.

At the Law Office of Randy Mora, PLLC, we have been representing clients throughout the San Antonio area for years and are proud to provide them with the thoughtful and ethical legal services they deserve. We are lawyers who can help you determine whether you qualify for an annulment, what options you have to end your marriage and how we can assist you in pursuing the outcome you deserve.

Who Qualifies For An Annulment?

While an annulment is often simpler than a divorce, not everyone can qualify for it. Texas courtrooms allow an annulment under conditions such as the following:

  • The marriage happened within 72 hours of receiving the marriage license.
  • A spouse was not mentally capable of consenting to a marriage.
  • The marriage occurred through fraud, force or duress.
  • A spouse was younger than 18 years old.
  • A spouse is indefinitely impotent.
  • The marriage took place under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • A spouse was hiding a divorce in their past.

An annulment is an entirely different option for ending a marriage when compared to contested divorce, mediated divorce and uncontested divorce. When a couple qualifies for an annulment, the process will then make it as if the divorce never happened, which means there is no need for any asset division or other divorce complications.

We Are Here For You

If you believe that you qualify for an annulment or want to find out of you do, reach out to a family law attorney you can count on. There is no better time than now to reach out to us if you are considering a divorce or annulment. Call 210-446-0306 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.